- Staff Training Part I
12 – 13 June | BOKU Vienna, Mendelhaus, Gregor Mendel Street 33, A-1180 Vienna
- Staff Training Part II
14 – 16 June | MCI I, Universitaetstrasse 15, A-6020 Innsbruck
- Registration Deadline
About the Staff Training
MCI | The Entrepreneurial School® is pleased to invite you to the 26th Annual IROICA Staff Training Part II (Innsbruck), which will take place from 14 – 16 June 2023 and is organized in collaboration with the BOKU and the IROICA network.
Join us in beautiful Innsbruck, the heart of the Austrian Alps, for this annual gathering of the IROICA Community and beyond to share and discuss new ideas, approaches, theories, experiences and practical applications to sustainability in the field of Internationalization.
Participants who intend to follow both the Staff Training Part I (Vienna) and Staff Training Part II (Innsbruck) in June 2023, can expect a 5 day event and explore two beautiful cities in Austria, including an exciting program with diverse and interactive formats.
We aim to host the IROICA Staff Training (June 12 -16, 2023) according to the criteria of the Austrian Ecolabel for Green Meetings. We therefore prepare many visible and invisible measures and would be pleased if you endorse those efforts and support us! Both cities have a good public transport.
- Staff Training Part I Fee at BOKU: EUR 156,-
- Registration Deadline: May 31, 2023
- Non-IROICA and Non-ICA members fee: EUR 300,-
- IROICA or ICA members fee: EUR 280,-
- IROICA and ICA members: EUR 260,-
- Honorary Member: EUR 195,-
- Registration Deadline: May 31, 2023

- The IROICA Staff Training Part II (Innsbruck) will be organized as a Green Event complying with sustainable guidelines like accessible location, vegetarian food, etc.
- Our catering company “die feld:schafft” is an association that cooks with unused groceries and creates diverse vegetarian menus.
- An excursion to the Brenner Base Tunnel (BBT) - a project partly funded by the EU to build the longest - 55 kilometer underground railway connection in the world allowing a modal shift of traffic from road to rail.
- This 2023 Annual Staff Training will be organized again as a BIP allowing participants to benefit from the mobility grant. To become one of our BIP participants, please make sure:
- to have an Inter-Institutional Agreement between your university and the BIP coordinator (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague: PRAHA02)
- to take part in both the Staff Traning Part I in Vienna and the Staff Traning Part II in Innsbruck (minimum stay to be eligible for the BIP grant is 5 days)
- to attends the online part of the program, to be announced soon
Last but not least, if you travel green (no flights allowed) you may receive an additional 50 EUR Erasmus+ incentive to cover your travel expenses.