Finding Your Perfect Match

Target group

Students who are in the process of applying for an internship, semester abroad, scholarship, furtherstudy place, or for those preparing for their first job



  • Understanding employment as “exchange relationship” building on match
  • Understanding match in terms of social values
  • Self-assessment of own self-concept and social values
  • Assessment of company self-concept and social values
  • Addressing the match in application material



Given that successful relationships between employers and employees build on the perfect “match” or “fit”, applicants need to be able to navigate a highly complex web of requirements and offerings when taking career choices.

The workshop seeks to develop this ability by helping participants to
- assess and understand their individual interests, self-concepts and social values
- assess and evaluate the target organizations’ (companies, NGOs, universities, etc…)interests, self-concepts and social values (as communicated through job ads, corporate web-sites, etc…) in order to take informed decisions where to apply best.

Building on this comparative assessment participants develop strategies how to best address the match of interests, self-concepts and social values through their individual application material (CV, cover letter, etc…).

Short Facts
  • Date: 16. - 21.01.2025 (self paced learning)
    22.01.2025, 05.30 – 08.45 pm (Seminar)
    23. - 28.01.2025 (self paced learning)
    29.01.2025, 05.30 – 08.45 pm (Seminar)
  • Format: Face-to-Face - Seminar, 2 x 4 TU & 2 TU
  • Costs: EUR 30,--
  • Lecturer: Martina Kohlberger
  • Group size: Max. 20 participants
  • Methodology: Interactive lecture, individual consultation, group discussions and role-plays
  • Language: English
  • Badge: International Career Skills, Self Marketing
  • Venue: MCI I, Universitaetsstrasse 15

Registration for this career event starts on September 20, 2024!

Online Registration

Online Registration Badges

Students who participate in a Badge program are kindly asked to register for this career event only via:

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