14. Februar 2023

MCI Badge Volunteer

This badge is awarded to MCI students and staff who have made a significant contribution to the community by offering their time, efforts, skills and knowledge. By engaging in volunteering, the badge earner has contributed to MCI’s Third Mission and social impact strategy. At the same time, they have invested in personal and professional growth and development through the volunteering activities and through their participation in relevant preparatory courses.

Competences, skills & knowledge
Individuals who have earned this badge

  • are aware of their values and roles as responsible citizens
  • have enhanced their ability to work and share their expertise with diverse groups of people
  • have developed empathy and team skills
  • have acquired social and communication skills
  • have learned about self-management and organization
  • have engaged in structured self-reflection based on their volunteering experience


The badge earner has

  • participated in the mandatory introduction webinar/seminar
  • submitted written confirmation from the organization where the service was carried out detailing the type of work and number of hours carried out
  • submitted a reflection on their volunteering experience in a format of their choice (this can include a paper, a screencast, a short video or blog entry)
Short Facts
  • Badge: Volunteer | free of charge
  • Mandatory introduction webinar: 02.03.2023, 17:30 – 20:00 | free of charge

More info & registration