MCI 4 you
The site provides all the information you need for your studies at MCI. Learn how your studies are organized and structured. Read up on how to spend a semester abroad. Browse through the comprehensive services offered at MCI. Check out the Student Life section for an overview of what to do in your spare time in and around Innsbruck. Make this time the best time of your life!
Career prospects
Studying at the Entrepreneurial School® means enjoying top lectures, an international environment and excellent support by the MCI staff. But there’s more: Graduates from MCI have substantially better opportunities in the job market.
Apart from their comprehensive specialized know-how, our graduates also possess numerous other key skills. They have a hands-on, practical approach, are solution-oriented, proficient in English, well acquainted with teamwork and trained in intercultural awareness.
To better prepare our students for their careers, the MCI Career Center provides professional support to students and graduates. Résumé checks, recruiting events and workshops are some of the many services offered by the MCI Career Center, which continues to win international awards such as the 2017 Universum Ranking for its work.

The MCI Career Center considers itself a service platform. It gives students access to internships, jobs, career platforms and the like. The center creates contacts, provides access to the MCI networks and paves the way to a successful career.