Successful cooperation between generations

Our project investigated the different working methods of the four generations at the Sanatorium Kettenbrücke and developed concepts to improve cooperation in the future.

The four generations currently present in the workplace hold different views regarding work. This generational mix can lead to challenges as well as opportunities for both employees and leaders. At the Sanatorium Kettenbrücke, there has been ongoing discussion about whether there truly exists a difference between generations or if this issue is perceived as problematic due to media portrayal.

Through a quantitative cross-sectional study, we measured the current status quo at the Sanatorium Kettenbrücke. We found that the overall employee satisfaction, with an average score of 5.68 on a scale of one to seven, is above average and that there are no prevailing conflicts between generations. However, we did observe some differences in perception among the generations, which we had already anticipated based on our literature review. The survey also revealed that the nursing, medical-technical, and therapeutic services profession faces the greatest challenges regarding psychological workload. The Sanatorium Kettenbrücke will specifically build upon this finding to enhance employee satisfaction in the future.

Team Photo

Team Photo

Fact Box
  • Study Program: Nonprofit-, Health- & Socialmanagement
  • Team: Andrea Altenberger & Lena Moser
  • Supervisor(s): FH-Prof. Dr. Nils Mevenkamp, Mag. Jolanda Baur, FH-Prof. Dr. Wei Manske-Wang, DGKP Petra Potocnik, BA MA (Sanatorium Kettenbrücke)
  • Partner Organisation: Sanatorium Kettenbrücke der Barmherzigen Schwestern GmbH
  • Year project was carried out: 2023

Partner Statement
Generational differences in values and work attitudes are controversially discussed in the literature and media. One assumption, for example, is that "Baby Boomers and Generation X are well-versed in traditional values and organisational structures as they were educated and led according to these beliefs. In contrast, the younger generations Y & Z consider smartphones, mobile internet, and new digital business models as the norm. This mix poses a challenge for employees and leaders that needs to be overcome" (Sacha Johann,

Currently, four generations are present in the working market. We view this diverse mix in companies as not only a challenge but also a great opportunity for both employees and leaders. In the past, the Sanatorium Kettenbrücke, together with its motivated employees, developed a value compass for successful collaboration. In a second step, we aim to promote successful intergenerational collaboration. In this year's project, conducted in collaboration with students from the "Nonprofit, Social, and Health Management" program at MCI, the topic of "Successful Collaboration between Generations" and the determining factors were analysed. The goal is to better understand how to foster generational collaboration and attract and retain qualified employees of all age groups in the company. The focus was on learnings and recommendations for leaders and human resources.

The exciting and detailed results will now be presented to our leaders by the students. The findings will inform our leadership practices and contribute to further HR projects, such as internal educational offerings in the mental health field, reverse mentoring, etc., at the Sanatorium Kettenbrücke. We thank the students for their trust in us!