Sungkyunkwan University

Year of foundation: 1946
Approx. number of students: 34,000
MCI partner since: 2014

The City

Seoul is the capital and largest city of South Korea. With a population of over 10 million, it is one of the world's largest cities. Almost half of South Korea's population live in the Seoul National Capital Area, and nearly a quarter in Seoul itself, making it the country's foremost economic, political, and cultural center.
Seoul is located on the Han River in the center of the Korean Peninsula.

The University

Sungkyungkwan University is based on the traditional Confucian education and follows its precedessor the Sungkyungwan institution, which was already established in the 14th century. Now it is a private research university and highly funded by Samsung.
Today, the university has two campuses: the Humanities and Social Sciences campus in Seoul, and the Natural Sciences Campus in Suwon. Eighteen schools and three colleges offer degrees at the bachelor's level, and twelve graduate schools confer various degrees at both the masters and doctoral levels. The SKKU has advanced as one of the world's leading business school.


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