National University of Lesotho

Year of foundation: 1945
Approx. number of students: approx. 2,000
MCI partner since: 2020

The City

Roma is located in the Maseru District of Lesotho, some 34 kilometers southeast of Lesotho's capital Maseru. The Roma valley is broad and fertile, and is surrounded by sandstone cliffs topped to the East by basalt mountains which provide magnificent scenery. The region enjoys a temperate climate with four distinct seasons.
There are many dinosaur footprints in the area, some within the National University of Lesotho, and others on Roma Plateau.
The settlement of Roma counts a number of schools as well as a hospital.

The University

The origins of the National University of Lesotho (NUL) date to 1945, when a Catholic University College was founded at Roma by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy of Southern Africa.
Today the governing body of the University is the Council and academic policy is in the hands of Senate.
The university hosts several faculties and departments among which Science and Technology, Social Sciences, Humanities, Law, Agriculture and Education.


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