
The Power of Blockchain and Cryptos (IEL-B-3+5-WPM-IEL)

  • Bachelorstudiengang Management & Recht
Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung
  • IEL-B-3+5-WPM-IEL
Niveau der Lehrveranstaltung laut Lehrplan
  • Bachelor
  • Fall 2024
Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird
  • 5
Anzahl der zugewiesenen ECTS-Credits
  • 5.0
Name des/der Vortragenden
  • Mag. Dr. Bernt Max
  • FH-Prof. Groth Aleksander, PhD
  • Riedl Kevin, BSc
  • Jori Christof, BSc
  • Dilger Thomas, BA MA
  • Wimmer Florian, BSc
  • Rottensteiner Arno, BA MA
Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
    Upon completion of this elective course students:
    - Understand blockchain phenomena and differentiate types.
    - Learn how companies handle crypto tokens in financial statements per regulations.
    - Gain knowledge on crypto taxation, including declaring gains and losses.
    - Identify changes in crypto regulatory and anticipate future developments.
    - Understand validation routines like proof of work, proof of stake for gamification.
    - Grasp blockchain possibilities, downsides, and limitations.
    - Address security concerns in blockchain transactions.
    - Gain insights into current trends and business opportunities from experts.
Art der Veranstaltung
  • face-to-face
Voraussetzungen laut Lehrplan
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
empfohlene optionale Programmeinheiten
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
    - What is the Blockchain?
    - Types of Blockchains
    - Blockchain Simulation
    - Blockchain Security
    - Blockchain Limitations
    - Terminology: e.g. Web 3.0
    - Impact of Crypto Communities
    - How companies handle Crypto Tokens?
    - Crypto Accounting (UGB and IFRS)
    - Crypto Taxation
    - Crypto Regulatory
    - Smart Contracts
    - Build your own Smart Contract
    - EVM vs. Non EVM
    - Blockchain Trilemma: Scalability, Security, Decentralization
    - Current Trends
    - Future Outlook and Business Opportunities
Lehr- und Lernformen
  • Derzeit nur in Englisch verfügbar
    The course comprises an interactive mix of lectures, discussions and individual and group work.
  • The following point structure determines the exam grade for this course.

    Component Percentage
    MC-Exam 50%
    Paper/Case Submissions 50%

    The MC-exam consists of 20 questions and exercises, duration 30 minutes. The date of the exam will be set 1 to 2 weeks after the last session. The exact date will be communicated at the first course day.

    The cases/papers are going to be all the content learned in class and will be submitted in-dividually. 50% of the total grade. The due date of the assignments is communicated in each session by the respective lecturer.
  • English
  • none

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